how to find us
Physical Address
1090 Farrington Pt. Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Phone Number
(919) 968-1184
Office Email
Driving Directions
From Apex by Hwy 64
- Turn right (North) onto Farrington Road.
- Proceed approx. 5.0 miles to Merritt's Chapel which will be on your right.
From Pittsboro by Hwy 64
- Cross over lake and turn Left (North) onto Farrington Road.
- Proceed approx. 5.0 miles to Merritt's Chapel which will be on your right.
From Lystra Road
- Go East (towards Cary) until it terminates at stoplight at Farrington Road.
- Turn right (south) onto Farrington Road and go approx 1 mile to Merritt's Chapel which will be on your left.
From Hwy. 751
- Go towards the lake on Martha's Chapel Road until it dead ends into Farrington Road.
- Turn right (north) onto Farrington Road and proceed approx. 1.0 miles to Merritt's Chapel which will be on your right.