upcoming events


At Merritt's Chapel, our church sponsored spiritual and secular events are always open to the public. Our open door policy enables a vibrant and relevant alliance between church and community. Check out a few of our upcoming events, and see our full calendar below!

Dine, Dinner & Devotion -

weekly on Thursdays

Thursday evenings

Dinner served at 6 pm

Devotion following dinner

Childcare provided

Pork BBQ dinner

Saturday, April 5 from 4-8 pm

Meal includes pork barbecue, slaw, potatoes, hush puppies and dessert.

$15 per plate

Eat-in or Take-out. Eat-in meals also include drink.

Learn more.

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 12 at 10 am

Community Easter Egg hunt

Egg hunt, Easter message & refreshments

All children 10 and under are welcome.

Palm Sunday Service

Sunday, April 13 at 11 am

Service with procession of palms, message & cantata

Easter Sunday Service

Sunday, April 20 at 11 am

Christ is Risen indeed!

Service with message & cantata

Father Daughter Dance

Saturday, April 26 from 6 - 9 pm

A Night to Remember Theme

$40/one father & daughter, $5/each additional daughter

Includes dancing, games, great food, lots of fun and memories that will last a lifetime!

Get Tickets

Vacation Bible School 2025

Save the date: Mon, June 23rd - Thurs, June 26th

“True North” programming theme. More details to come.