Who Are We?
Merritt's Chapel is a community of people eager to ask questions about our faith, to figure out where we see God in this world and in our lives. We're people that want to grow. We're people that want to serve the world around us. We're people that want a place to belong. Basically, we're not so different from you.
Our Mission Statement
Our purpose is to build a community of Christian believers who will be a source of learning, missionary partnership, and compassion. Our hope is to reach all people in the name of Jesus Christ.
Living, loving, and serving our community for over 100 years
Merritt's Chapel has a unique and long history in Chatham County. It is believed our roots go all the way back to 1780 when Francis Asbury, the first Bishop of American Methodism, arrived in Chatham County at the home of Brother William Merritt. Over many years Merritt's Chapel has evolved from a few strong families into a vibrant growing group of Believers.
The building itself has also grown as renovations have been made and additions have been done over the years. More importantly we feel as a church family that the true heart of the church lies not only within our Sanctuary and building but most of all within our members themselves. In 2005, Merritt's Chapel was blessed to have the ability to add a Christian Life Center. This CLC serves many purposes for our church. It is used for meals, Sunday School classes, as a gymnasium for our youth and adults, outreach programs and much, much more.
Our goal as a church is to reach out to all people in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without Him none of this would be possible. We hope you will come join us. You are always welcome to be a part of our church family.