What Should You Expect?
At Merritt's Chapel, we strive to a place where everyone is welcome. Our services are traditional, but relaxed. Come casual, or come dressed up. Sing loudly, or just listen to the words. When we say, "come as you are," we mean it.
Typically, our services last for about an hour. A few minutes before the service, music welcomes you into prayer. After a few announcements, we begin our worship service. We pray together, sharing our joys and our concerns. We read Scripture, listening for what God might be telling us. We sing joyful hymns. We hear a thoughtful message from our pastor. Our choir leads us in a special music. And we leave, knowing that Christ has called us into service to the world.
What about my kids?
Children are welcome and invited to be a part of worship. After the first 15 to 20 minutes of our worship service, children ages 5-12 are invited to attend Children's Church. Regular volunteer teachers provide interactive and age appropriate activities for the kids. A nursery is available for those children who are infants and toddlers. Nursery parents are invited to drop off their children 15 minutes prior to our 11:00am service with our dedicated volunteers.
How else can I be involved?
There are lots of ways to be involved at Merritt's Chapel.
Youth Group: During the school year, our 6th-12th graders, meet every Sunday at 5:00-7:00pm in the Christian Life Center. We have dinner, provided by a parent, play games, and explore how to apply our faith to our world. Sometimes, we might take our conversations to nearby Lake Jordan, for a movie night with a short lesson, or just to fellowship at dinner. Our volunteers provide mentorship and chaperone all of our youth activities. During the Summer months, the youth meet for special fellowship activities.
Bible Studies: Each Tuesday at 7:00pm join in on a discussion based Bible study. Each week, we look at a text in Scripture and discuss it, trying to see what God has to say to us, in our lives. There's no homework, and everyone is welcome.
Choir: Our choir practices every Wednesday night at 7:30pm. They perform two cantatas a year, and have a special anthem every Sunday. If you're looking for a place to share your musical talents, we hope you'll join us for practice.
Men's and Women's Groups: Our Men's and Women's group meet for fellowship once a month. Check out the calendar to see which Sunday these groups are meeting this month.